There will be a new in-person WRAP workshop taking place in the new year!

The details…
When: January 2022. Tuesdays & Thursdays, January 11th – 27th. 1:30 – 3:30 PM.
Where: New View Clubhouse. 2050 Mary Hill Road, Port Coquitlam.
Cost: NO COST.

What is WRAP? Well…
It’s a tool for learning to take charge of your own health and wellness daily. You’ll be able to develop a list of concrete things that you can do every day to stay as well as possible (identifying your own simple and safe wellness tools!). There is also a component where you create a crisis plan and post-crisis plan for yourself.

If you’re interested in signing-up, please email:
or phone: 1-800-211-0585

There are limited spots available!