**For the most up-to-date information regarding the programs and services we’re offering, please refer to the Clubhouse calendar here.

Clubhouse Programs

Book Club

Time: Tuesdays, 2-3 PM

Lead: Natasha

Description: We rent a book, chosen by members, from the library. Members read the book at home on their own time. We then come back as a group to discuss thoughts, interpretations, and questions! Usually each book lasts one month.

Coffee House

Date and Time: Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Program Leader: Varies

The Program: Starting once the kitchen is clean from the Pitch in Kitchen (Dinner) program, Coffee House goes until 8:30pm, and is a time for members to have fun, listen to music, play games, and connect with other members. Sometimes there will be a theme to the evening such as live music, board/card games, or watching the hockey game. With an average of 20 people attending, this program is busy and exciting to take part in. Each person is encouraged to participate at their own pace and comfort level.

Dinner: Pitch-in-Kitchen

Date and Time: Fridays: Prep starts at 3pm, dinner served at 5pm

Price: $4 if you help out (with prep, serving or cleaning), $7.25 if you don’t

Registration: Required. Call New View Reception at 604.941.3222 ext. 221, before 1 PM (voicemails accepted).

Program Leader: Zelda

The Program: Pitch in Kitchen encourages members to become involved with kitchen operations by helping out with food preparation, cooking and/or cleaning up the Friday night dinner. A busy and popular night, there are often 25 to 35 people attending. Each person chooses which activities they want to participate in, and what tasks they want to do-thus allowing everyone to work according to their own comfort level. The menu is diverse, and can vary from pulled pork to stir fries to pastas and more.

Pre-Employment Services

Date and Time: By Appointment

Employment Staff: Melayna

The Program: The Clubhouse Employment Program provides vocational assistance and can be a critical step in helping members to access community based employment. Job searching, resume creation, career planning are just a few of the services offered. The Clubhouse Employment Program can also include temporary, seasonal and part-time casual work for our members. Most services are available exclusively to New View Society members. People who have been referred through the Tri-Cities Mental Health Care Centre Assistance are eligible for assistance with finding volunteer opportunities in the community or with the TVP program. For more information on services offered, please see Our Services page. For information on how to become a member, please see the Clubhouse Intro page.

Ball Hockey/Softball

Date and Time: Thursdays throughout July & August (Softball)

Location: Picked up and dropped off at the New View Clubhouse

Program Leader: Justin

The Program: The Floor Hockey group practices their skills and plays pick-up games during the Fall & Spring. In the Summer the activity switches to Softball. With such an encouraging and supportive team everyone has a great time getting exercise, pushing their boundaries and engaging in friendly competition. All skill levels are welcome!

Technology Support

Date and Time: By appointment

Program Leader: Justin

The Program: Learn more about how to use computers, ipods, and cellphones quickly and easily. Have your questions answered and practice your skills. We can help with: uploading pictures from your camera to your computer; setting up an email account; using craigslist; and much more.

Kitchen Skills

Date, Time, location: Tuesdays, 12-1:30 PM

Price: $3

Program Leader: Julia at 604-941-3222 ext. 121

The Program: Build your skills and confidence in the kitchen! This is a smaller group, which allows for more closer instruction as opposed to the lunch and dinner programs. Bonus: you get to eat what you cook!

Lunch: Open Arms Café

Date and Time: Wednesdays: Prep starts at 10:30, lunch served at 12pm.

Price: $3 if you help out (with prep, serving or cleaning), $4 if you don’t.

Registration: Required. Call New View Reception at 604.941.3222 ext. 221, before 10:30 AM (voicemails accepted)

Program Leader: Zelda

The Program: This hands-on program allows you to prepare food, operate commercial kitchen equipment, and learn how to cook easy, healthy and nutritious meals. Learn about food safety, gain a variety of recipes for home, and practice new skills while helping to make lunch for the Clubhouse.

Member’s Meeting

Date and Time: Once a month, on a Friday. Refer to the Clubhouse calendar for which Friday that month.

Activity Leader: Otilia

The Program: Join the meeting to learn what new things are happening in the Clubhouse, express your opinions, and give feedback to the staff and other members about what is going on. Everyone has a voice- let us hear yours!

Muffin Socials

Date and Time: Fridays from 8 – 10 AM

Program Leader: Donna & Helen

The Program: The earliest morning program New View offers, Muffin Mornings is perfect for people who have day jobs or simply enjoy waking up early. Running from Sept-June, this program is laid back and relaxed, with people drinking coffee, eating muffins and spending their morning conversing with the other members. Donna and Helen bake the muffins fresh that very morning, and it’s always a treat to find out which type of muffins they made that day.

Self-Compassion Group

Time: Tuesdays @ 10-11 AM

Lead: Justin (ext. 211).

Description: This group’s focus is to build inner-strength, self-acceptance, and resilience through learning and practicing self-compassion. We talk about a new topic each day.

Smoothie Club

Date and Time: Fridays from 10:30 AM – 12 PM

Program Leader: Natasha

The Program: Every week, with the help of the loyal smoothie groupies, the Club makes a berry banana smoothie, and one ‘outside of the box’ vegan smoothie. The group has tried everything from strawberry lime basil to coffee cashew. Natasha also teaches about the benefits of sneaking greens into fruit smoothies to balance the sugars and get more vitamins and minerals into their nutrition.

Wellness Mondays

Date and Time: Mondays, 1:30-2:30 PM

Program Leader: Natasha

The Program: This support group is designed to encourage Healthy Living and encourage positive decisions people have to make. A wonderfully welcoming and accepting group, everyone attending is looking for support and techniques to help them on their life journey, and providing those very same things to others who attend. Goals are set, practices discussed, and things are learned each meeting.

Young Adults Group

Date and Time: Mondays from 4 – 6 PM

Price: Cost varies week-to-week. Please refer to the calendar for more specific information.

Registration: Reach Natasha at 604-941-3222 ext. 305 or nmoloney@newviewsociety.ca

Program Leader: Natasha

The Program: Oriented specifically towards people aged 19-31 yrs old, the Young Adults program is a great place to build connections, learn teamwork, and have fun while acquiring new skills. New activities are happening each week, ranging from a dinner night to excursions out in the community!

More Info

2050 Mary Hill Road,
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3C 2Z8, Canada

Phone, Fax & Email:

Phone: 604.941.3222
Fax: 604.552.0849
Email: newview@newviewsociety.ca


Monday: 8:30am-4:00pm*
Tuesday: 8:30am-4:00pm*
Wednesday: 8:30am-4:00pm*
Thursday: 8:30am-4:00pm*
Friday: 8:30am-8:30pm*
Saturday: 11:00am-2:00pm*
Sunday & Statutory Holidays: Closed

* Please refer to the calendar for more specific daily information.