Media Release
New View Society hosts Open Day to talk about Mental Health
January 10, 2017
Port Coquitlam, BC – New View Society ( announced today that it will be hosting an Open House event at its Community Mental Wellness Centre on January 25, Bell “Let’s Talk” Day.
Founded in 1973, the New View Society creates an environment for growth and recovery for people challenged by mental illness through Housing, Employment, and Social Recreation programs.
The day will start at 9:00am with a speaker and a short film, and will finish up around 8:00pm. Tours of the Community Mental Wellness Centre will be on offer.
9:00am – Welcome, speaker, film
10:30am – Lunch prep (member programming)
12:00noon – Lunch with Members (member programming)
1:00pm – Literacy Help with community volunteer (member programming)
1:30pm – Clubhouse Grocery Shop (member programming)
4:30pm – Preparation for Young Adult dinner (member programming)
5:30pm – Dinner with Young Adult Members (member programming)
7:00pm – Games and Activities with Young Adult Members (member programming)
Other activities will include a ‘Meaning Wall’, where visitors are encouraged to contribute what mental health means to them; and a ‘Live from New View’ social media presence with Live on Facebook and live tweeting.
Send a Bell Let’s Talk message of support on January 25 and Bell donates 5 cents more to mental health programs; let’s beat 2016’s record 126M messages and $6.3M Bell donation.
Bell Let’s Talk Day donations are fully funded by Bell directly based on engagement by Canadians in the cause. Bell donates 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for each of these interactions on Bell Let’s Talk Day at no extra charge to participants:
- Every text message, mobile and long distance call made by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant customers.
- Twitter: Every tweet using #BellLetsTalk
- Facebook: Every view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video at com/BellLetsTalk
- Instagram: Every post using #BellLetsTalk
- Snapchat: Every use of the Bell Let’s Talk Snapchat geofilter
In Twitter’s annual Top 10 list, #BellLetsTalk was the most used Twitter hashtag in Canada in all of 2016 (#MentalHealth was #7), and the most used in the world on Bell Let’s Talk Day 2016.
New View Society
Tiffany Melius, Executive Director
604.941.3222 x102