What’s Happening
What`s happening with New View and the Community
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) upcoming workshop
There will be a new in-person WRAP workshop taking place in the new year! The details... When: January 2022. Tuesdays & Thursdays, January 11th - 27th. 1:30 - 3:30 PM. Where: New View Clubhouse. 2050 Mary Hill Road, Port Coquitlam. Cost: NO COST. What is WRAP?...
Troupe de Poetry show at New View Clubhouse!
This Friday, December 3rd, from 2:30 - 3:30 PM at New View Clubhouse, the Troupe de Poetry, a group featuring a couple of New View members, will be reading out some blissful and beautiful poetry readings for anyone that wants to listen! There is no sign-up required to...
Tri-Cities Shelter Emergency Response
Operating from November 1st to March 31st... join for a hot meal, snacks, bagged lunch, and a warm place to sleep. Please refer to the following poster:
Device Loaner Program
New View Clubhouse has laptops & headsets available to lend out for those that need it. Connect with a staff for more information!
Stand Up For Mental Health
On Friday, October 1st 2021, New View will be streaming the annual virtual comedy show, "Stand-Up for Mental Health" during our coffee house program! Come join us!
Saturday Socials for October
Movie Night!
Join us! There is a movie night happening on Friday, September 24th at 7:30 PM. We'll be watching The Upside. If you're interested, please sign-up with Otilia (604-941-3222, ext. 204; okozelj@newviewsociety.ca)
Mindful Hand Drumming for Mental Wellness
Please note this 4 session workshop which is taking place via Zoom through Tri-Citiies Mental Health. Workshop dates are October 5th, 13th, 20th, and 27th, all from 1:30 - 2:30 PM. There is no cost. Here are a couple of one-minute videos sampling the classes:...
Kelly Ave Housing Project
We are excited that BC Housing has agreed to partner with us in exploring a 50 unit housing development…